The national #ZeroCarbonTour visited the South West recently, with events in Swindon and Bristol on its way to the UN’s Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November.
At the largest event on the tour so far, nearly 200 business leaders and entrepreneurs gathered at the University of the West of England (in person and on live stream) to hear from West of England Mayor Dan Norris, University of the West of England Vice Chancellor Steve West and from businesses that have started their own journey to net zero.
The aim of the tour is to share the net zero message with the business community and raise awareness of the UN Race to Zero and the UK’s #TogetherForOurPlanet
Campaign, ahead of COP26 in November.
The South West Energy Hub supported the event in Bristol and Hub Programme Manager Jon Rattenbury spoke to the audience sharing lessons from the public sector to inspire the business community.
Jon said: “The zero carbon bus tour is a great way to share the message about how everyone can play their part in tackling the climate emergency. The speakers offered really practical examples of the steps that they are taking to reduce their carbon impact and highlighted the support available across the region.”
Further examples of sustainability action gathered during the Tour will be showcased at COP26 to inspire others to create similar initiatives around the world.
For more information about the Zero Carbon Tour, visit