Plymouth Sutton Harbour: District Heat Network Feasibility Study

A study to identify the most appropriate low-carbon heat source to decarbonise the Plymouth National Marine Aquarium and other nearby heat users as part of the  ‘Sutton Harbour Cluster’. Heat source opportunities assessed include: marine, ground, air and waste, and future connection to a proposed 5G ambient heat network.​

South West Net Zero Hub Recoverable Heat Mapping Tool

A map of recoverable heat sources in the South West to support local authorities in the transition from fossil fuels. The map identifies priority areas for the connection of heat networks to waste heat. Download the KMZ file. To view the KMZ file launch Google Earth. Go to File Import KML/KMZ file Select your downloaded […]

South West Net Zero Hub Recoverable Heat Mapping Report

A report on a project to develop a map of waste heat sources in the south west providing recommendations for using waste heat to decarbonise and identifying priority areas for the connection of heat networks to recoverable heat sources.