South West Net Zero Hub Recoverable Heat Mapping Tool
A map of recoverable heat sources in the South West to support local authorities in the transition from fossil fuels. The map identifies priority areas for the connection of heat networks to waste heat. Download the KMZ file. To view the KMZ file launch Google Earth. Go to File Import KML/KMZ file Select your downloaded […]
South West Net Zero Hub Recoverable Heat Mapping Report
A report on a project to develop a map of waste heat sources in the south west providing recommendations for using waste heat to decarbonise and identifying priority areas for the connection of heat networks to recoverable heat sources.
South West Net Zero Hub Retrofit Skills Report
Research to support the South West to meet net zero targets by setting out the retrofit requirements for the region, including the installation of heat pumps and deployment of insulation measures.
Hydrogen Supply Chain: Evidence Base
An assessment of evidence relating to the range of infrastructure that would be required for a future delivery chain for hydrogen for heat
Tolgus Farm Power ESCo
A Techno-Economic Review of a Heat & Power ESCo option for Treveth Holdings
Isle of Wight ESCo
A Techno-Economic Review of an ESCo option for Isle of Wight Council
Eastleigh Borough Council Heat Power ESCo
A Techno-Economic Review of a Heat & Power ESCo option for Eastleigh Borough Council
Financing Heat Networks in the UK Guidebook
Guidance to heat network sponsors, developers and funders
Establishing Local Authority Joint Ventures
Establishing public-private joint ventures and partnerships for investment in and delivery of energy schemes
B & NES Riverside Options Report
An options review of heat and power supply for Bath & North East Somerset Council