Join the Zero Carbon Tour

Image showing Zero Carbon Tour text with other logos of PlanetMark, West of England Combined Authority and the UWE (University of the West of England) Bristol.

Join the Zero Carbon Tour as it reaches the West of England, sharing the net zero message with the business community.

COP 26 Regional Green Zones

Photograph of two people walking on a canal side

The SW Energy Hub is seeking to fund a number of local authority led Green Zone events, during the COP26 fortnight, 31 October – 13 November, which will showcase local activity, projects and the case studies that have been gathered across the region to the public, business, delegations and investors. For full details, please download […]

Solar power a step closer for Calne

Overhead photograph of a solar farm with lines of solar panels in a green field

A community scheme to increase the supply of renewable energy to Calne in Wiltshire is a step closer thanks to a £36,000 feasibility grant.

New training kits to help local authority staff tackle the climate emergency

Photograph of a room of people being presented to by a person training at the front of the room, presenting on the "Rural Community Energy Fund"

The Carbon Literacy Project has launched training kits to help local authority staff tackle the climate emergency. Funded by BEIS and the GMCA, the free kits* will enable anyone with training experience and knowledge of climate change to train council staff. Co-authored and trialled by council staff, the training covers a day’s-worth of learning and […]

Green energy boost for Dorset

Photograph of a wind turbine and solar panels in a field

A scheme to increase the supply of renewable energy to local people in Bridport, Dorset has taken a big step forward with the award of a £20,000 feasibility grant.  The funding was awarded by the South West Energy Hub in partnership with Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and will be used to investigate the development […]

Totnes community aim to power Clay Park with renewable energy

Photograph of a group of people holding a large sign showing a tresoc logo

Residents at a new socio-eco housing development in Dartington could benefit from their own supply of affordable green energy, thanks to funding awarded by the South West Energy Hub in partnership with the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership. Community-owned Totnes Renewable Energy Society (TRESOC), working with Transition Homes Community Land Trust (THCLT), […]