Providing retrofit advice to landlords 

Find out how Severn Wye Energy Agency have been working with private landlords in Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire to increase uptake of energy efficiency advice.

South West Councils go Carbon Literate

The Hub is funding seven local authorities in the South West to receive Carbon Literacy Training to support the transition of council services to Net Zero

Hub announces councils awarded Local Net Zero funding

Net Zero Hub promo

The South West Net Zero Hub is pleased to announce the first councils to be awarded funding through the £1m Local Net Zero Fund (LNZF), with more to be announced in the coming weeks.   The LNZF scheme was created by the Hub and funded by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero to support […]

Listed buildings go green

Find out how an innovative new project is supporting owners and occupiers of listed buildings to reduce energy use and protect vital heritage.