The Net Zero Hub worked with Devon County Council on this project to develop a simplified number of rural housing types to support market development of retrofit across the county, and to identify the impact of traditional rural builds on retrofit delivery.
Project Summary
The Net Zero Hub worked with Devon County Council on this project to develop a simplified number of rural housing archetypes to support market development of retrofit across the county and to identify the impact of traditional rural builds on retrofit delivery.
140,000 housing archetypes are estimated to exist in rural Devon, this project aimed to simplify a complex sector to gain better understanding, buy in and engagement from homeowners, with the overall aim of increasing delivery of retrofit measures.
The Net Zero Hub commissioned a piece of work to create simple visuals to engage people in how to upgrade their homes to achieve carbon and energy cost savings.
Working with Regen and Parity Projects the project reviewed Devon’s housing stock to determine the smallest number of building types to best represent rural homes, and the most appropriate measures and costs to achieve carbon-reductions. Infographics produced will help engage customers living in rural homes in Devon and the wider South West region in energy-saving home upgrades, with the overall aim of increasing delivery of retrofit measures.
Our Role
The Net Zero Hub worked in partnership with Devon County Council, Plymouth City Council, Plymouth Energy Community and Devon Community Energy network to shape and design the scope of the project.
The Hub designed and managed the tender, and the procurement process, and project managed the consultants to ensure the scope was fulfilled. Additional support was given by Devon County Council in finalising the report and the twelve Housing Type infographics.
Three sample areas in the county of Devon:
- Teignbridge
- North Devon
- Mid Devon
Community groups in sample areas engaged with Able-to-Pay householders to test the model and to gauge the propensity of residents to retrofit their houses by installing a heat pump.
Comments from householder interviews highlighted some concerns around retrofit:
- 77% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed to the concept of having a Home Improvement Plan for their property however, less than half of respondents were comfortable with spending the money on the home improvement plan.
- The biggest concern displayed by respondents regarding home improvement plans was knowing that local trades were available to undertake the work.
The Housing Type Infographics will also be used by local authority officers, retrofit co-ordinators and assessors, and the private sector in training, promotion and communication of retrofit.
Financing and ownership
The project is focused on a group of customers who are Able-to-Pay.
Next steps
Nationally housing accounts for 35% of all the energy in the UK and emits 20% of the carbon dioxide emissions. This project adds a significant element to the retrofit market in the areas of household identification, communication and promotion elements. These infographics can be used to overcome elements of the current market failure in the Able-to-Pay retrofit market in Devon and wider within rural counties of the South West and beyond.
Infographics of the 12 housing types are available on request from